Growing in God's Grace

Wesley Lamplighters Class
is comprised of retired women who follow a traditional Sunday school curriculum. They meet for discussion and study on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. in the Asbury Room. The class is led by Judy McGaffey, a retired educator, who is passionate about biblical studies and discipleship. In addition to their Tuesday morning class, they gather for fellowship. You can often find the Wesley Lamplighters enjoying Sunday lunch at a local restaurant.
Life Song Sunday School
God created a diverse world and Life Song Class members seek to openly embrace others with His love. We are a multi-generational class that enjoys lively discussions as we learn and grow, applying God’s Word to the very real joys and challenges of life today. Our group supports each other as prayer warriors, provides practical help to one another and enjoys spending time with each other during potlucks and social activities.
FISH – Friends in Service to Him
This is a class for all ages and stages of life. Our regulars range from singles, newlyweds, new parents, and grandparents! We primarily focus on how to grow in our relationship with Christ, while enjoying group activities from time to time. As we grow together in friendship through our studies and service, we strengthen our bonds in marriage, grow and develop as parents and increase our faith and dedication to Christ. This class meets Sunday Mornings at 10: 00 a.m. in the Asbury Room.
Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence. – Proverbs 27:9
Pairs and Spares
This is an adult small group that meets on Sundays between the Contemporary and Traditional worship services. We use Bible based curriculum in different formats, primarily books and video series. Class discussion is an important part of our studies and encouraged. As our name implies, Pairs and Spares is a diverse group of couples and singles who are widowed, divorced, or never married. We are a group that understands and embraces the trials of life. It is our responsibility, with Christ’s guidance, to help each other grow through Scripture and from sharing our experiences . We enjoy getting together socially, and welcome anyone to join us Sunday mornings at 10:00 as we study, worship, and grow together into the Christians we were created to become.
UNITE Sunday School
At UNITE Student Ministry, we spend our discipleship time on Sunday mornings deeply engaging with God’s Holy Word. During these moments together, we combine a multitude of spiritual practices: Prayer, spiritual reflection, journaling, lectio divina, and intentional Bible study. We desire to grow closer to God and to one another: UNITED in Christ.
*We do not aim to merely know about God. Our goal is to know Him personally as the One who we seek above all else.
SLK Sunday School
Here at St. Luke Kids we strive to serve God by loving others and making disciples! We have two Sunday School classes, Pre-K/Kindergarten, and 1st-6th grade. In each class we make studying the Bible a priority and make sure to also have a little fun with activity sheets and games. We’d love for you to join us at 10:00 on Sunday mornings in the Education Hall.