UNITE Student Ministry

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
1 Corinthains 12:27
Ministry Schedule
- 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship in Wesley Hall
- 10 a.m. Sunday School
- 11 a.m. Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
- 5:45-6:45 p.m. Student Ministry Program
At UNITE…there are some things you should definitely expect:
- Wednesday Night Bible Studies
- Summer & Winter Retreats
- SERVE Days (Community Service Projects)
- Game/Movie/Mystery Nights
- Fellowship at the Park
- “Come to the Table” Breakfast Devotion
- And a whole lot of LOVE
Our Goals:
1. To teach students about God, His Word, and His Son, Jesus, in engaging, age-appropriate ways.
2. To partner with families to nurture their spiritual growth by loving, equipping, and encouraging them.
3. To build relationships with students through showing up and being an active presence in their personal lives and in the community.
4. To help adult members of St. Luke serve God by using their time and talents to teach and to care for students.
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